Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Media War; Iran, America & Israel Literature review

The Media War; Iran, America & Israel - Literature review Example They continuously label the state of Israel as a Zionist nation which Iran and other Islamic states call a terrorist state. In more recent times, Iran has been fingered for developing nuclear capabilities. Although similar accusations which led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the Bush administration were proven to be unfounded, the Iranian government continue to suffer a similar accusation. However, in the case of Iran, hard evidence from diverse sources have been put forward to show that Iran is developing nuclear capabilities which would obviously be a threat to Middle Eastern peace because Iran has a history of targeting Americas allies in the region and also have a deep rooted history of tensions with Sunni states like Saudi Arabia which dates back to over 1000 years ago. This paper examines the role of the media in dealing with the US-Iran conflict and the effect on Israel, a US regional ally. The paper will examine the medias involvement in the Iranian situation since 1979. It will go on to examine the way Iran is disclosed in the media since 2000 and other possibilities for war that are relevant to the situation at hand. US-Iran relations were good since the 1960s and 1970s. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was an ally to the US government. Due to this, the Shah and Iran got very positive media revelations in the United States and the West (Watson, 1989). There were over 20,000 Americans who moved into Iran and there was so much media exposition on Iran and the lavish spendings of the Shah and his regime (Watson, 1989). Although the Shah was projected to be a good thing, there was a hard hand that was wielded against the enemies of the Iranian Shah and his government and most of them had to flee into exile. This was hardly reported in the Western media or in the Iranian media, the were covered up and the Shahs regime was presented as a

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