Thursday, May 21, 2020

Girl Gang And Young Women s Membership Within Groups...

The term ‘Girl Gang’ refers to girls and young women’s membership in groups associated with violence and criminal activities (Southgate 2011).Within the book ‘Social Problems in the UK’, girl’s gang is a sub-topic under the chapter ‘Youth Gangs’.It is not a chapter on its own because much focus and discussion has being placed on male gangs. As such, the author Young (2015), analyses the level of female crimes and involvement in street-based gangs. She questions the extent of girl gang and seek toanswer the question where does society’s (re)discovery of girl’s gang originates from. This is because modern attitude towards female crimes are dissimilar from those in the 1960’s. As such, the content of the chapter fully investigates the nature of girl gang and how they are constructed as a social problem. Thisdeepens our understanding of the historical and contemporary discourses surrounding girl’s subculture and social grouping. Thus, Young’s (2015) analysis challenges the discourse of common sense approach in understanding girl gang and provoke a great rethinking and evaluation of girl gang that is amiss in our society today. In order for us to understand the nature and extent of girl’s gang, we must first consider where our notions and rising interest of girl gangs comes from. This is because, before the 1960’s, majority of mainstream gang research associated youth gangs with the male experiences, failing to throw some light on female gang experiences. This was as a result ofShow MoreRelatedGirls and Gangs1608 Words   |  7 PagesGirls and Gangs For much of history, gang members who are female have generally been left out of the equation. When both the layman and the researcher looked at gang life, gang members, and how they function, rarely have women and their role in gang culture been considered. 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